liability shift

  1. EMV & POS System Upgrade Needs

    Before speeding on upgrading bits and parts of your system for EMV, understand the total cost. The recent implementation of EMV as of October 1, 2015 has many implications beyond just upgrading the MSR (magnetic strip reader)  of the POS system. The age of the POS hardware  and operating system also play an important role Here are some points: Most...
  2. The Looming Credit Card Update

    Be prepared for a credit card upgrade, as banks have begun swapping out regular magnetic strip credit cards for something a little more secure. Chip cards (Smart Cards/Circuit Cards) are not a new concept. They have been around for many years and are used widely in some parts of the world like Europe. Chip cards look exactly like most of...
  3. MasterCard Tests Biometrics to Complete Transactions

    In the fall, MasterCard will begin testing biometrics to secure online payments. Customers will be required to hold up their phone and take a picture when completing an online purchase. Various methods of identification will be tested. Director of innovative solutions for combating fraud, Ajay Bhalla,  noted the ensuing generation "is into selfies,"  assuring they will adapt to new technology...

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